RPA Services

Human + Machines = An infinite workforce and possibilities


Fast track process innovation

Automation is no longer an exotic and experimental concept. Over the last ten years, automation has achieved higher levels of sophistication at a rapid pace. Advancements in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have made significant inroads into strategic business and fundamentally transformed how organisations embrace digitalisation. But the accelerated pace of automation adoption is only matched by the constant need to innovate and enact new efficiencies in business processes. This drive has led to incremental improvements in automation tools with varying degrees of success. In this respect, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has exhibited the highest degree of maturity and has become an essential part of any organisations digital transformation strategy.

The core benefit of RPA lies in its ability to reduce the efforts expended on repetitive and mundane tasks. It can accomplish this by enacting intelligent automation capabilities through software bots capable of interfacing with traditional enterprise software systems such as service management tools, ERP systems, and FSM software. Out of the manifold benefits, RPA is responsible for offering organisations the, best Return on Investment (ROI) in cost savings, productivity and process improvement, visibility enhancement, compliance, customer service and quality improvement.

However, the right way to leverage this smart technology and scale it meaningfully within an enterprise remains a major challenge for many organisations. Currently, most RPA deployments remain disconnected from an overall strategy and serve as solutions within company silos. Therefore, businesses looking to leverage RPA for long-term growth need to reorient how they perceive RPA and not treat it as a problem-specific quick-fix solution. Instead, organisations need to formulate a strategy and implementation roadmap that helps them prepare and execute their RPA adoption systematically

To solve this, Motherson Technology Services RPA CoE methodology, implementation process, and non-intrusive program structure are built for operations teams of data-intensive organisations and require no complex system integration. 

Our Unique Approach

The ROI focused automation strategy

We help businesses accelerate the enterprise-wide adoption of RPA technologies with our 5D methodology that focuses on the seamless integration of RPA across your entire organisation. By discovering which business processes within your organisation could be automated, we design and develop customised automation strategies to deploy the latest RPA solutions that can drive continual improvement.

Our Service Offerings

Drive more value out of your processes with customised RPA solutions

BOT Deployment, Testing, and Monitoring

We deploy, manage, monitor, tune, and continually optimise process execution to scale enterprise-wide RPA. With our assessment of future RPA roadmap and support post project delivery, we provide immediate defect resolutions to deliver better value to our clients.

BOT Workflow Management and Configuration

We manage workflows and configure bots after running testing cycles and conducting UAT to enable coherent bot integration within the existing IT ecosystem. We also facilitate exception reporting and leverage robot productivity analytics to improve performance.

Business Process Redesigning and Automation Roadmap Development

By building process maps, solution designs, and assessing the use of cognitive technologies we evaluate bots that are a part of existing workflows and then leverage our AI/ML and NLP capabilities to redesign business processes and develop new programs in the modern enterprise framework.

Process Modelling and Automation Scope Assessment

We analyse and identify business processes that can integrate Robotic Process Automation and recommend the best suited RPA platforms and AI tools with self-learning capability that can streamline every business process scenario, based on the current IT landscape.

Our Advantage

Partner of choice: Deliver the best outcomes with the RPA CoE

Automation Strategy

Automation Strategy

Identify the processes that can be automated to deliver exceptional customer service and quality deliverables.

People Enablement

People Enablement

Develop a change management process to prepare your workforce to benefit from automation.

Technology Strategy

Technology Strategy

Deploy a Robotic Process Automation architectural design that maximises transparency and visibility in your company.

Operating Model

Operating Model

Discover how to effectively implement RPA - CoE for maximum benefits.



Figure out how to fund automation investments and who should make decisions so that your compliance and governance are on track.

Bot Development and Support

Bot Development and Support

Embrace RPA CoE and enjoy round-the-clock support for its integration.

Our Transformation Partner

Leverage intelligent automation for business transformation

Case Studies

Converging transformation and growth to integrate innovation


Derive inspiration from information